For zero tolerance Alcohol screening for your workplace consider installing Entrance breathalyser System (EBS-010) inconjuction with your access control system at all entry and exit points of your business. It is built for Industrial and High Security environments for Law Enforcement and Workplace testing.
AlcoScan Entrance Breathalyzer Systems can be connected to turnstiles where a biometric scanner, data logger and a camera can work hand in hand to identify an employee, capture a test result and log it against their record in the time and attendance database. If the EBS detects alcohol in your breath, you are automatically prevented from entering the premises. From this point, the company policies will then direct proceedings, whether it calls for a second confirmatory test or suspends the employee for the day without payment or calls for disciplinary action. In all instances, there is a zero tolerance of alcohol which when defied will be met with stringent disciplinary action as being under the influence of alcohol in the work place will threaten the lives of others as well as of that individual.

The benefits of using breathalysers in the workplace to test employees for intoxication ensures that the workplace is safer and increases productivity of the workforce. By reducing the risk of alcohol related accidents occurring and combining it with an increase in productivity, a company can effectively save the lives of on-site workers and drivers on the road. The effective use of breathalysers and the implementation of a strong zero-tolerance of alcohol policy in a work place ultimately results in cost savings for companies in the short and long term

Benefits of AlcoScan Entrance Breathalyzer System
  • Reducing the risk of alcohol-related accidents/fatal risk accidents at work place 
  • Increased productivity of your workforce (by ensuring that workers are not under the influence of alcohol while on the job. 
  • Cost savings in terms of damage to machines and company property; and ultimately saving the lives of workers and drivers. 
  • performs over 600 tests per hour. 
  • Effective use of it and implementation of zero-tolerance of alcohol policy in a work place results in cost savings 
  • Improved situational awareness